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When I Was a Little Boy by Robert Gogerly

When I Was a Little Boy

by Robert Gogerly

118 pages
When my daughters were growing up, I used to read to them, and tell them stories before they fell asleep, about “when I was a little boy.” They never tired of listening to them.

Paperback $16.99   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
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Category: Children
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About the Book
When my daughters Judy and Wendy, and a generation later Sharon and Rachel were growing up I used to read to them and tell them stories before they fell asleep, about “When I was a little boy.”

They never tired of listening to them.

Here they are again.


You tell stories like an artist adds detail to a painting.
- Malcolm VanLangenberg
You're such a beautiful writer, you pull the reader right in.
- Jeanette Gallant
Your narrative style and flair for words takes your reader to experience your story with you.
- Elizabeth Zabala


Related Title
  • My Story - Inside and Out by Robert Gogerly
    Commencing on a tiny tropical island, this is the story of a family torn apart by war, an unlikely and surprising re-union, a heart-wrenching tragedy, and a triumphant return to a land of magical memories.


About the Author
Robert Gogerly Robert Gogerly was born in Sri Lanka where he grew up and worked before migrating to Australia. He always had an interest in writing and contributed regularly to local publications before moving to a Corporate role in Finance, in Australia. He now lives in Melbourne with his wife Jan.



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