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Elya's Song by Karyl Simmons

Elya's Song

by Karyl Simmons

68 pages
Short fictional story of a young woman in pursuit of the prize of all prizes.

Paperback $13.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Christian
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About the Book
Twenty five years of intense study in the Song of Solomon has provided the frame work for "Elya"s Song" and my imagination has given flesh to the lovely story found there.

"Just a simple love poem", some would say. But, like all the rest of Gods Word, the miraculous, life changing power of Holy Spirit moves through the mysterious writings found in the Song to transform the life of the believer.

Embrace Gods message to you in "Elya's Song" and, like Elya, discover who you are and where you are headed!

Love in Christ,
Karyl Simmons


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About the Author
Karyl Simmons Karyl Simmons lives in the lovely hills of Kentucky where she enjoys country life near her children. She and her late husband, Billy, spent 40 years pastoring and evangelizing in Texas where they grew up. She takes great pleasure in sharing this beautiful love story from the Song of Solomon.



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