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The Developer by Stephen P. Bye

The Developer

by Stephen P. Bye

434 pages
In 1978, Alexander (Xander) Kellogg III beomes a prominent Denver office building developer. Known as 'Mr. X' to his friends and allies, Kellogg is a ruthless businessman who uses manipulation and cutthroat tactics to yield success. However, his 'win-at-all' cost personality ultimately leads to challenges in both his professional and personal life.

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About the Book
Alexander (Xander) Kellogg III became a prominent apartment owner, purchasing a portfolio of several thousand units in Denver, Colorado over the 1960’s and early 1970’s. After successfully selling the multi-family projects, Xander delves into the office building development business in 1977, along with his brother, Robert.

Xander, also known as Mr. X to his closest friends and allies, is a ruthless manipulator who demands total allegiance from his employees and business associates. While Robert runs the Kellogg Construction division on an ethical basis, Mr. X uses cunning exploitation and extortion to direct every aspect of his business and private life. His narcissistic personality dictates winning every conflict and punishing his adversaries. Encountering continuous conflicts with real estate brokers, competing developers, attorneys, bankers, and employees, Kellogg knows no moral or legal limits to succeed. Mr. X is a also a notorious womanizer, in process of divorcing his third wife.

Alexander Kellogg’s 'win-at-all cost’ personality ultimately leads to challenges in both his professional and personal life. He ultimately must deal with a connection to a murder, an expulsion from his exclusive country club, a series of legal disputes, an arrest for assaulting a police officer, and rejection from his political allies.


Related Titles
  • The Developer: Phase II (Building on Bravado) by Stephen P. Bye
    As the sequel to “The Developer”, Alexander Kellogg continues his quest to build iconic office buildings using bravado and deceit, clashing with multiple foes and allying with strategic enablers to enhance his reputation.
  • The Developer: Phase III (Avenue into the Abyss) by Stephen P. Bye
    Office building developer, Xander Kellogg, deals with a murder trial, lawsuits, and obstackes to expand his real estate empire, but creates many enemies. In desperation, his clever financial schemes and marriage results in a fateful twist.
  • Who Killed Alexander Kellogg? The Developer Epilogue by Stephen P. Bye
    Office developer, Alexander Kellogg, is killed in a home explosion. His wife, who has stolen millions from his firm, a drug cartel, a bookmaker, and a congressman are suspects. Robert Kellogg deals with a myriad of challenges to save the firm.


About the Author
Steve Bye graduated with a BBA in Urban Land Economics and an MBA in Real Estate Investment Analysis from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His career in real estate began in Milwaukee, WI in 1974 as an appraiser. In 1978, he relocated to Denver, CO where his position involved the origination of commercial real estate loans for a major life insurance company for projects located in the Rocky Mountain states. In 1980, Bye’s career path transitioned to an intermediary in the mortgage banking division of a large diversified real estate company and in 1983, established a Denver office for a national commercial mortgage banking company, from which he retired in 2017. Over his career, Bye arranged hundreds of mortgage loans and structured equity capital transactions, aggregating at least $5 billion. As Senior Managing Director for the Denver mortgage banking operation, he oversaw the placement of nearly 2,000 deals, totaling approximately $14 billion.



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