21 Powerful Prayers and Declarations for Your Children: Seeing God’s Grace Work for Your Children
by Bukola Bolude Oluwade
46 pages
The Joy of every parent is seeing their children succeed in life. The only and sure thing that can give you the joy of parenting is sinking to your knees and saying powerful prayers and daily prophetic declarations over your children. Prayer is the master key that open all doors!
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About the Book
Our Children are our future, God’s heritage and chosen by God to defend His kingdom on earth. It is no joke that the devil is engaging in vigorous combat with these children to destroy the purpose of God in their lives and turn them to arrows in God’s heart. It is our responsibilities as parents to win the war of their hearts on our knees through ceaseless prayers, intersections and daily positive declarations. “…Children are a heritage of the Lord…how blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies at the gate”. Psalm 127:3-5
Dear Mum, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, Pastor, and children teachers/ministers, we all must come together in intercession and stand in the gap for our children. There are battles over families today and the devil- The enemy of Godly families would stop at nothing until he sees the heritage of God destroyed.
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About the Author |
Bukola Bolude Oluwade is a successful writer, an ordained minister and a preacher with an addicted fasting and prayer ministry. She exemplified the working of God’s grace through ceaseless prayers. She has a PhD in Health Economics from Southern University and A & M College in United States. She is married to Dr. Bolude Oluwade. |