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Ricster-Ricster by Donnie Joe Thompson


by Donnie Joe Thompson

312 pages
Lust, perversion and the supernatural touch a town after murder.

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Category: Fiction:Mystery
About the Book

Ricster-Ricster is a character driven murder-mystery, woven into and around the eccentric hangers-on in a small dying town in Ohio. It deals with lust, touches on the supernatural, delves into the macabre and goes into the minds of the perverse.

When a missing person, presumed dead, comes on the heels of a suicide, a Burg that is already infamous begins heating up again. A thinned out Highway Patrol unit gets stuck with the case and soon finds there is a potential suspect behind every door. And when skeletons start falling out of the closets, it's anyone's guess who will be the next to be buried by the legendary Ricster-Ricster curse.


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About the Author
Donnie Joe Thompson is a factory worker/novelist who has spent most of his life in one form of creative endeavor or another. Songwriting/guitar playing and comic strip writing are also in his resume.



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