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Running Shoes Are a Girl's Best Friend by Margreet Dietz

Running Shoes Are a Girl's Best Friend

by Margreet Dietz

268 pages
Running is empowering physically, mentally and socially for any woman.

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About the Book
Like many women, I started running to lose weight. I didn’t get far initially because I was out of shape. I never intended to Become A Runner. But I did, though it took me several years and a couple of marathons before I considered myself one.

I kept running because it made me feel good. It is now, as one of the 53 women interviewed for this book puts it, an unquestioned part of my life. I run for many reasons but mostly because it makes me feel confident and capable.

This is a book about women who run. It is intended to encourage those who already do to keep running and to inspire those thinking about it to head out the door today. There is never a perfect time to start.

You simply need to take that first step and keep going. In this, it is all about you. You may not get far the first time. But that’s OK. It's the journey that matters most.

The stories of these 53 women explain how running has become an integral part of their lives. As varied as they are and ranging in age from their early 20s to their late 50s, what they describe is a shared experience. It's one of empowerment.

For these women, running has evolved from a simple form of physical exercise to the catalyst for taking charge of their health and giving them peace of mind from otherwise hectic daily lives.

Some run for the simple pleasure it brings, while others race for finish lines. Some run with friends, while others run alone. Most of them run because they can.

As coaches Pat Carroll and Susan Griffith say, running is about the sense of achievement and wellbeing that it gives to those who take up the sport. All it takes is one step at a time.


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About the Author
Margreet Dietz is a professional writer. Originally from The Netherlands, she has worked as a journalist since 1996 from Brussels, Toronto and Sydney respectively before making Squamish, BC, her home in 2008. She is a regular contributor to endurance sports publications. This is her first book.



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