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Down But Not Out by Torquemaster

Down But Not Out

by Torquemaster

112 pages
Female FBI Agents volunteer as bait to trap a terrorist.

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Category: Erotica
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About the Book

Down But Not Out


Vicki Kane and Mandy Moore were two young, starry eyed FBI agents with dreams of making a difference in the world. Buried in the agency's endless pile of boring paperwork, they felt they were little more than secretaries with guns. So when the opportunity came to volunteer for a special terrorist task force, they dove in head first.

Soon they were wondering if their training was preparing them to be better agents or to be escape artists, for they found themselves being thrust into one Houdini-like bondage predicament after another. Not that the two close roommates cared too much, being very actively engaged in sexual bondage escapades in their own budding lesbian relationship. Then the day came when they received their assignments. They were to be used as bait to trap an international terrorist engaged in white slavery, selling young girls to fund terrorist cells.

The two unsuspecting agents would need every trick they had learned to escape from the handcuffs, ropes and chains of their captors and to avoid being sold to the highest bidder in a far away land. A land where slavery still existed and beautiful young American girls would bring a handsome price as sex slaves. A land where there would be no escape from their bondage. A land where the unthinkable would become a way of life, and their only means of surviving.


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About the Author
A conservative Midwest upbringing did little to quench this award winning author’s interest in erotic literature. He spent years writing adult oriented stories to entertain friends and for various internet sources. Down But Not Out combines his love of bondage and action adventure into his most satisfying tale to date.



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