The Life of Worship: Rethink, Reform, Renew
by Mark Sooy
236 pages
Worship is more about life than about Sunday morning.
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About the Book
In The Life of Worship: Rethink, Reform, Renew the author builds a holistic approach to worship. The modern discussion about what is called “worship” tends to focus quite narrowly on only one aspect of the larger picture of worship – that of corporate worship. This book fills the gap this narrow focus leaves and expands the discussion to demonstrate the breadth of life that worship is to include.
Beginning with a consideration of some of the key Biblical texts regarding worship, Part I of this book builds the Biblical foundation, or framework, for worship as a whole. Out of this Biblical foundation we learn the importance of internal thoughts and belief systems. The theology behind worship must be all-encompassing and complete, for out of this flows the reality of worship in daily life. The actions of worship, whether individual or corporate, are the result of the ideas and theology of worship. If the foundation is weak, the structure will be weak as well. If the foundation for worship is strong and solid, an effective life of worship will follow.
Part II is a concentrated discussion of how the internal beliefs become external actions in real life, in other words, worship as a life-style. Centered on “renewing the mind” and the use of spiritual gifts, the author shows a balanced view of what a life of worship entails. The life of worship culminates in a life of love and service in which the Christian responds to God by serving his or her neighbor.
Part III considers the implications of Parts I and II, and how they might apply in the realm of corporate worship. The daily life of worship and the corporate worship event are distinguishable, yet entirely intertwined. Successful and effective corporate worship is the directly linked to the individual service of each Christian in the Body of Christ.
At a very basic level the fear, love, and trust of God gives us perspective. In fact, it gives us a balanced perspective in every area of life. When we truly understand who God is, how He cares for His people, how He loves and provides for us – we also begin to understand who we are as His children. We are entirely dependent upon Him for all good things and owe Him our gratitude, our service, our livelihood. In this balanced perspective, the response of worship encompasses our entire lifestyle – so that work, play, love for family and friends, corporate worship services, everything – becomes an interwoven tapestry of worship and declaration of God’s glory. This balanced approach is to be the goal of each individual Christian, so that as a corporate body our lives weave together to create an even more complex and beautiful tapestry.
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About the Author |
Mark Sooy is an accomplished pastor, teacher, theologian, worship leader, and musician. Mark holds a Bachelor of Theology degree in Pastoral Studies from Grace Bible College, and a Master of Arts in Historical Theology from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. His other work includes: Essays on Martin Luther's Theology of Music. |