Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs
by Ruth Houston
220 pages
Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs - Infidelity Advice
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About the Book
According to statistics, 50% to 70% of men cheat on their wives. 2/3 of those wives (approximately 26 million women) have no idea their husbands are having an affair because they fail to recognize the telltale signs. As widespread as infidelity is, most of it goes undetected until it's too late.
Countless unsuspecting wives have been:
- shocked to accidentally discover that their husband has been carrying on an extramarital affair for weeks, months, or even years
- totally taken by surprise when their husband suddenly moves out or asks for a divorce
- stunned to realize they've contracted a sexually transmitted disease
- dumbfounded to find that family funds have been used to finance an unfaithful husband's affair.
Fortunately, a wife no longer has to be the last to know. Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs makes it easy to spot the telltale signs of an affair before it's too late. This comprehensive guide to the warning signs of infidelity documents over 800 cheating signs -- all of which any woman can easily find using only her eyes and ears, her personal knowledge of her husband and the information in this book. No special skills or equipment are needed.
Drawing on 9 years of in-depth research on infidelity which began when she accidentally discovered her now ex-husband's affair, author and infidelity expert, Ruth Houston has documented practically every known telltale sign of infidelity, including:
- Signs most women usually overlook
- Signs so subtle he wouldn't even think to cover them up
- Signs a private investigator is unlikely to find
- Signs almost impossible for a cheater to conceal
- Signs which reveal the identity of the other woman
Little-known signs not found in any other infidelity book
Is He Cheating on You? is packed with secrets that cheating men don't want women to know. The telltale signs are conveniently grouped into 21 categories so you can easily find the signs that apply to your relationship or your mate. Categories include Work Habits, Conversational Clues, Day-To-Day Behavior, Telephone Tip-Offs, How He RelatesTo You, Car Clues, Physical Appearance, His Behavior Around Other Women, Computer Use, Financial Affairs and more.
Many of the telltale signs apply to cheating women as well as cheating men. But by popular request, a special 10-page section entitled Is She Cheating on You? has been added to the e-book version.
Given the rapidly rising rate of infidelity, Is He Cheating on You? should be mandatory reading for every woman, whether she suspects her husband of cheating or not. Infidelity can happen to anyone, at any time. No one is immune. The future of your marriage or relationship may one day depend on your ability to recognize the telltale signs of infidelity in time. You can't afford to be the last one to
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About the Author |
RUTH HOUSTON is a writer/editor whose articles have appeared in publications here and abroad for the past 20 years. She is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and a frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows nationwide. Happily re-married, Ruth lives in New York with her husband, Manley and their 8 cats. |