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The List: Shooting For Another New Old by Timothy Neff Gocke

The List: Shooting For Another New Old

by Timothy Neff Gocke

136 pages
Author Timothy Neff Gocke's The List: Shooting For Another New Old discusses what a 50th high school reunion is like when classmates meet after a half-century has passed. It's not just the memories from the past that are ignited by the meeting, but the reminder of how fast time goes by in our lives. He lets us know just how precious life is to us.

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About the Book
Timothy Neff Gocke's book is a candid portrayal of what getting older is like and how we can magically change the number of years to fit our new old. The uniqueness of his story lies in his biographies of each classmate who attended this special 50th high school reunion. Gocke crafts a series of survey questions which brings out the personal issues in each classmate's lives.

Every element and issue in his book are common to many of us who have attended a high school reunion where the years have slipped away. Notice the most common element of all which is the list of a very special group of classmates.

See what happens when classmates meet again and all those surprises that come with it! Find the human spirit thriving in all of us. Please join us now in this very special occasion and see what happens on the 50th: the before, during, and after. You just might think this was your reunion!


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About the Author
Timothy Neff Gocke Timothy Neff Gocke is a retired Associate Professor of Business Management. He taught at Marshall University, Eastern Kentucky University, and Terra State Community College. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and a Master of Science degree in Industrial Relations from West Virginia University. Gocke and his wife, Mary, live in Fremont, Ohio. They have a daughter, Molly, and a son, Tim Jr.



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