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In Del Norte: A Book in 5 Languages by Del Norte City Unified School District

In Del Norte: A Book in 5 Languages

by Del Norte City Unified School District

18 pages
In Del Norte is both a celebration of culture and a sharing of the importance of local languages. Written in Yurok, Tolowa, Hmong, Spanish and English, In Del Norte is a unique and exciting glimpse into the spoken and written languages that make this place on our planet special.

Hardcover $20.95   + $9.68 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.48 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Science
(requires Adobe Reader)
About the Book
In Del Norte: A Book in Five Languages is both a celebration of local culture and an opportunity to share the importance of local languages with the community and with the world. This book, written at a kindergarten through second grade level for young students or beginning learners of one of the five languages, presents a multilingual tour through the habitats and animals of Del Norte County. Written in collaboration with the Yurok Language Department and the Tolowa Dee-Ni’ Culture Department, the Hmong Cultural Center, and the Del Norte Unified School District English Learner Division, and Del Norte County Office of Education, this book also represents the commitment of the local community to honor and promote the heritage of our students and community members and the contributions that they have made and continue to make. In Del Norte is a unique and exciting glimpse into the spoken and written languages that make this place on our planet special.



About the Author
This book was a joint effort between the Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation Waa-tr'vslh-'a~ (Culture) Department, the Yurok Tribe Language Department, Hmong Cultural Center and the following Del Norte Unified School District Departments: the American Indian Education program, the English Language Development program, and Curriculum and Instruction. The five languages used in this book represent all the languages taught in Del Norte Schools. The five languages as they appear are: English (E), Tolowa (T), Yurok (Y), Spanish (S), and Hmong (H). This project was inspired to recognize, respect and acknowledge the importance of the diverse cultures within Del Norte County and the value of multi- linguicism. All proceeds will go to Del Norte County Office of Education (DNCOE) for promoting diversity, and equity within our community.



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