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Down the Hill and Across the Road by James Gray

Down the Hill and Across the Road

by James Gray

98 pages
During difficult times and lack of material possessions, humor is still present. Sharing this humor is what this book is about. The book is not about surviving these tough times. But rather seeing the humor during these times.

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Category: Humor
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About the Book
This book is about the growing years a boy who was part of a large family during the nineteen forties and fifties in the Missouri Ozarks.

Life is filled with humorous events. The book is about these humorous times and events. As you read, the book will make you laugh, other parts will make your imagination kick into gear and you may feel a tear run down your cheek.

The setting of the book is the Missouri Ozarks which gives it a hillbilly flavor. If you enjoy humor from a young person's propspective you will, no doubt, find youreself re-reading this book.

For the older readers I am sure they will identify with many of the conditions mentioned and will recall similar times in their own life.

I pray my stories make you laugh or at the least bring a smile to your face.



About the Author
James (Jim) got his inspiration to write by telling stories with his grandchildren. He is a U. S. Army veteran and a retired Baptist Minister. His short stories are inspired by his growing up, years in the Ozarks, plus his life as a Father, Grandfather and Baptist Minster.



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