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Mastering Your Work Life Balance by Michael C. Redmond

Mastering Your Work Life Balance

by Michael C. Redmond

84 pages
Even if it seems impossible to imagine, Mastering Your Work Life Balance is attainable by learning the skills in this book. It contains exercises, and guides you through the process of implementing a better life. The author speaks to the reader, making you feel the book was written for you.

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About the Book
Work Life Balance is a challenge for many people. It involves learning and implementing new skills, such as goal setting, concentration, releasing procrastination, releasing unwanted stress, better time management, and finding your purpose in life.

You may feel that work life balance can only happen in the future when everything is settled, such as your career is perfect, your relationship is perfect, or you are perfect. Not so. With the step-by-step guidelines and exercises presented in this book, you can experience change this month.

Work life balance applies not only to those working in formal jobs. You could be a parent who's balancing the needs of your children with your own. You could be a grandparent who wants to "be there" for your children and grandchildren, but you want to have time to finally do all the things retirement is supposed to allow.

Imagine a world where you have time for your career, family, friends, health, happiness, hobbies, travel, and more. You're setting forward looking goals that excite and encourage you in all areas of your life.

Start your new life of Mastering Your Work Life Balance by reading this book today!



About the Author
Michael C. Redmond Ms. Michael C. Redmond, PhD is an internationally acclaimed Executive Coach. Many of her clients came to Michael complaining of not having enough time to have a balanced life. Through Integrative Psychology techniques, she has personally helped many people find balance in their lives, improve their careers, attain better relationships, find joy, and so much more. In addition to a formal PhD in the field, Michael has studied the teachings of Robert Dilts, Eckhart Tolle, John Grinder, Milton Erickson, Richard Bandler, Connirae Andreas, Steve Andreas, Albert Ellis, Gary Craig and others.



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