by Joaquin Juatai
100 pages
Using the stories of disabled Veterans who use PTSD Service Dogs as part of their treatment, PTSDog explains how PTSD Service Dogs work, the laws that regulate their use, and shares the stories of Veterans whose lives have changed through the use of a PTSDog.
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About the Book
Do you think you need a Service Dog? Do you understand what handling a Service Dog day in and day out entails? Are you familiar with the ADA? Do you know how to respond when a business refuses to serve you because of your Service Dog? What can a PTSD Service Dog do for you? PTSDog: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Service Dog answers all of these questions and more! Written to explain the laws, the day-to-day handling of a Service Dog, and to share real-life examples of this from the mouths of disabled Veterans who use PTSD Service Dogs, PTSDog is a one stop shop for Service Dog stories, knowledge and real-life experiences.
Joaquin takes a complex subject, and explains, through examples, the journey many Veterans are embarking on, and the hurdles they face. A soft voice, and hard examples create vivid pictures, easy for the reader to understand.
Direct references to the applicable laws are given throughout the text, making it a great reference book for both experienced and novice Service Dog handlers. It will also add to a greater understanding from the general public.
Written by a Veteran, and while focusing on Veterans experiences, a must read for anyone, military, veteran, or civilian, who is considering a PTSD Service Dog.
- From Mark Zen, editor, and U.S. Navy Veteran
Within the first 60 pages of "PTSDog", I learned more about post-traumatic stress disorder and service dogs than I did during more than 20 years of service in the Army. As we say in the military, I "didn't know what I didn't know" about the mental and physical challenges PTSD victims endure, and the unnecessary, often ridiculous obstacles they encounter while attempting to overcome those challenges with the help of their faithful service dogs. In a gripping, semi-memoir style, Juatai shares his personal transformation from a withdrawn, minimally functioning shadow of his former self to an outgoing, healthy, fully functioning and outspoken standard-bearer for the cause of service dogs. The book is also a valuable legal and regulatory resource, thanks to Juatai's many technical references and thorough footnotes. "PTSDog" should be required reading for every business owner, retail manager and employee who interacts with the public; it would also be a terrific tool to raise the cultural awareness and empathy of service members, medical professionals, young people, and anyone who knows and cares for a person afflicted with PTSD.
- Master Sgt. Gail Braymen, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Just finished reading Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Service Dog by Joaquin Juatai and it is FANTASTIC!
The amount of information about service dog training and the laws associated with the legal and responsible handling of them is very impressive. The stories of disabled veterans and their journeys out of the dark and back into the light and health are awe-inspiring. The training information extremely helpful but what these incredible dogs are capable of is what is truly amazing.
Even though I have been a service dog handler for many years, I learned even more about what that truly means and what is possible. I wish that this book had been around back when I was struggling and stumbling through training my first service dog (and myself) during those first confusing days. I even learned a task that my dog, Danu, has been performing without my conscious knowledge.
I have multiple disabilities, including pain and mobility issues as well as PTSD. Danu is seldom more than a few feet away from me, if not in actual physical contact in some way but on the good days, particularly when we are outside she is not "on duty" officially and, as long as nothing comes up with me, is free to just be a dog and do dog stuff.
I was reading the book out in the yard with Danu laying in the grass a about 15 or 20 feet away. Now, as is imperative, Danu is very well-trained (by me with the occasional help of a professional trainer) and will usually pop up and come to me when I move, let alone when I call but today I noticed something that I hadn't before. As I finished the book, i called Danu to me and she just laid there looking at me with her goofy doggy grin. I called her several times and she just looked at me and laughed that silent laugh they all seem to have. Finally, I stood up and so did she, she then walked towards me until she was 10 or so feet away and stopped. I called her again and, again, she just looked at me. So I stumped stiffly over to her, all the while grumbling about making me get up and move around when I was hurting and stiff - a constant condition but today not so bad.
That was when it dawned on me, accompanied by bright light and a heavenly host, I'm sure; Danu was doing this DELIBERATELY! I quickly ran through the unnumbered times that she would quietly and with her usual good nature, refuse to come to me when I called. Yep, every time that I could remember specifically, I was either in increased pain and/or stiffness, experiencing balance issues or just a general inclination to not move around much which, in my case, usually accompanies mild to severe depression or dissociation. The silly shit was training ME and forcing me to perform physical therapy without me knowing it. Once again, she was using INTELLIGENT DISOBEDIENCE to do what I needed her to do even, or perhaps especially, when I didn't know I needed it.
Had I not just finished Joaquin's book and been consciously thinking what he and the handlers he interviewed said about service dog behaviors and about shaping and training tasks, I may never have put it all together. Now, I can start working with Danu on yet another task with which she can help me to live a healthier and more balanced life. As "the good book" said, the training never really ends, for both partners in a service dog team. Thanks to Joaquin and Skeeter for teaching this old dog a new trick.
Rebecca Lysaght
Disabled Veteran and Service Dog handler
About the Author |
Joaquin Juatai was an award winning Navy Journalist whose career included being selected as the Department of the Navy's Print Journalist of the Year in 2001. After an injury ended his military career, Juatai discovered that he was dealing not only with physical damage, but with Post Traumatic Stress as well. Juatai's journey of healing and recovery, accompanied by his PTSD Service Dog Skeeter, the Alaskan Malamute, has lead to the book, PTSDog: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Service Dog, and to his mission in life: to help address the shocking epidemic of Veteran suicides by educating, supporting and advocating for the use of PTSD Service Dogs as part of the Veteran's treatment for PTSD. |