THE POWER WITHIN: A Poetic Guide into Self-Power, Ancient Wisdom and Quantum Reality - U.S. EDITION
by Eliza Anna Falk
84 pages
If you are not finding contentment in the outside world, and are ready to start looking WITHIN, this book is for you. The unique guide to reclaiming and sustaining Self-Power, not only empowers with inspiring verses and quotations, but complements poems with information about self-help options and life's big questions.
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About the Book
If you are not finding contentment in the outside world, and are ready to start looking WITHIN for strength and meaning; and if you ponder life’s big questions about God, Universe and reality, this book is for you.
Written by a spiritual seeker turned finder, it reminds us of critical and life-changing truths. Firstly, that although we may follow different spiritual paths, we share the source of our Inner Power - the Life/God Force Energy, which can be accessed through our heart-mind-brain connection. Secondly, that according to quantum science, everything in the Universe consists of vibrating energy; and as energy beings, we are immortal, capable of creating our reality and promoting self-healing.
Falk offers a unique and powerful guide to reclaiming, using and sustaining Self-Power. She not only empowers with inspiring verses and quotations, but complements each poem with information guiding readers towards self-help strategies, and answers to life’s big questions.
Eager to learn how to use your heart-mind-brain tool for personal and global change? Wishing to explore Yoga as a science of spiritual transformation? Interested in quantum science and parallel universes; or profound secrets of Ancient Wisdom hidden from the West? 'The Power Within' awaits.
About the Author |
Eliza's education and career on three continents, has focused on her passion for people, writing, the arts and spirituality. Currently a Literary Associate at Ambassador Theater ICC and a freelance author at DCMetroTheaterArts in Washington DC, she had worked as a Social Worker and Public Servant in Australia, and a teacher of English in Europe. After gaining degrees in Social Work, English Philology and Liberal Studies, Eliza trained as a hypnotherapist, drug and alcohol counselor, bioresonance therapist and Angel intuitive; and continues to practice and explore spirituality through lifestyle commitment and self-study |