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IT'S 3 A.M. by Ruth Fenton

IT'S 3 A.M.

by Ruth Fenton

104 pages
Everyone should have a slim volume of verse and/or prose that says a certain thing just so. It's 3 a.m. is just such a book.

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Category: Poetry
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About the Book
It's 3 a.m. by Ruth Fenton is a collection of poems, lyrics, anecdotes, letters to the editor, and random thoughts. Alternating between whimsical and profound, Ruth's voice is both intensely personal and universal. Come read Ruth's thoughts. You'll find they are your stories, too.


It's 3 a.m. by Ruth Fenton is one of the most sincere, heartwarming, and humorous works I have had the pleasure of reading. The author had me laughing, crying, and reminiscing of days gone by.
- Heidi Hinkley, LIBRARIAN, Peabody Memorial Library
...a book that one would pick up at 3 AM to not feel so alone, to remember to laugh, and remember how wise we are and that someone is out there who has loved and liked and laughed with us.
- Kelly Cunnane, AUTHOR OF For You Are a Kenyan Child



About the Author
Ruth Fenton Ruth Fenton lives in Downeast Maine with her husband, granddaughter, two cats, and random people who arrive…then leave. Her door is never locked, and the coffee is always on.



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