Return of the Brethren
by P.G. Barnett
490 pages
They have been with us for eternities using their power to slip between slices of time and appear. Now there's one Master who seeks a Coven member that has the power to establish the connection again. A five year old child who holds the key to the Brethren's continued existence.
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About the Book
They have been with us for eternities using their power to slip between slices of time and appear, three families, taking many forms, experiencing the thrills of life and death on Earth. One family brought a lust for cruelty and devastation. Known as the Brethren, their visits always resulted in the death and torture of millions.
The remaining families chose to live with mankind in peace. They called themselves the Coven and began passing the knowledge of their powers and memories of their existence to their descendants. The connection between the two worlds became unimportant and was broken, leaving both Coven and Brethren to exist on our world.
Trapped on Earth, the Brethren fought to reestablish the connection, a connection which allowed them to travel between Earth and their world as they once did. But each time they tried, the Coven trapped them in a Gifter’s Ring, and banished the Brethren to their world never to return.
Now members of the Brethren are united and organized, and there is one Master who knows of a Coven member that has the power to establish the connection again. A five year old child who holds the key to the Brethren’s continued existence.
Related Titles
A Balance of Evil
P.G. Barnett
When a member of the Brethren attacks Irene, both twins, although struggling with their own unique challenges, discover they must join together. It soon becomes apparent to the twins their only hope for survival will be to use the power of the Gifter's Ring to destroy the Brethren.
The Power of the Three
P.G. Barnett
The Power of the Three is the third installment of The Gifter's Ring Saga, a story of a family unknowingly possessing the ability to see and destroy evil walking among the living. In The Power of the Three the family chooses to take the fight to the Brethren sacrificing any advantage they may have in order to take back what was stolen.
About the Author |
Growing up, P.G. Barnett spent a lot of time with his grandfather, a protestant minister, listening to stories of damnation and demons, good versus bad and discussions about religious dogma of other cultures. By the tender age of twelve, P.G. had formed his own unique opinions on salvation and good and evil and began writing short stories. Until 2005, P.G. was content to write his short stories but that all changed when a story developed in his head that refused to let him sleep at night. Night after night it haunted him until he began writing to get the demons out and in 2006 the result of his purge became his first novel, A Balance of Evil, a thrilling tale of twins who are caught up in a supernatural battle between good and evil. P.G. Barnett's unique and varied life experiences combined with his ability to use his inner sight offer him a spectacular visionary portal into the psyche of the human soul. A native of Texas, he proudly drives his cowboy limousine, wears his Stetsons when he can, and continues to crank out story after story. Return of the Brethren is the second book of The Gifter’s Ring Saga. |