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6 Dimensions of Healing - Handbook - Change Your Reality and You Change Your Life by Gayle Maree and Allan Herring

6 Dimensions of Healing - Handbook - Change Your Reality and You Change Your Life

by Gayle Maree and Allan Herring

330 pages
The 6 Dimensions of Healing are in your life to create the love, health and prosperity you deserve. Your reality is constantly changing and when you understand how to consciously create, you then have the tools necessary to create a life that is worthy of who you really have become.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology
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About the Book
It may seem simple, but your mood is the key to changing your life. When you can control your mood by choosing to move it in a direction that feels better, your life will unfold in ways you never expected possible.

There are many situations in life that seem to determine your mood, but knowing how your mood works will empower you to choose your moods consciously and not be captive in another person's life story.

Life is made up of a series of continuous realities which are created by you. It is your choice whether your reality is one you like or one you don't and being aware of how realities are created, gives you the power to choose wisely. A constantly changing reality can mean a constantly changing life, but fulfillment comes when you can determine your own path of reality. It works no matter what your race, background or where you live in the world. Your past circumstances do not need to determine your future.

Understanding the 6 Dimensions of Healing will provide you with the tools necessary to understand why things happen the way they do, so you can choose to create a life you love.



About the Author
Gayle Maree and Allan Herring When Gayle Maree came across the Law of Attraction in 2006, it transformed her counseling practices. Now an Emotional Coach, Gayle has encouraged many to consciously create a new reality and has become witness to the thirst for transformation in the world. 6 Dimensions of Healing is the path to understanding how you can create a new reality.

In 1994 Allan Herring's life changed when he met genius inventor and entrepreneur, Dr Melvin Stewart. He taught Allan his method of manual therapy that became the cornerstone of 6D Therapy. Now an international Holistic Health Therapist, Allan's clients come from all over the world seeking relief from pain. 6D Healing is a gentle blend of physical, emotional and vibrational modalities that create a powerful healing influence.



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