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Ascendent by A. Crowley


by A. Crowley

188 pages
Sabine Whelan, witch, only wishes to finish her last year of high school unscathed and leave her mother's house; instead she finds herself deeply entangled in the whims of fate. With only her sister for support, Sabine must choose, will she follow her fate, or will she deny it?

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Category: Fiction:Young Adult
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About the Book
Sabine Whelan only wishes to remain invisible through her last year of high school and leave her mother’s house. Fate has other plans. As a witch, her Coven has plans for her life, none of which she has a say in. Thrown into her orbit is Elias Ayers, the perfect son of the Mayor, who is more than he appears. With only her sister, her crow, and her sister’s cat for support; Sabine is faced with a hard choice. Will she follow the path laid out for her, or will she find her own?



About the Author
A. Crowley writes under a pseudonym (blame her Taurus midheaven). Her interest in astrology, tarot, and her Irish heritage (particularly the Paganism before Christianity), and her love of music inspired the writing of Ascendent. She hopes to one day become a crazy dog lady. For mini astrology lessons visit her at



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