SPECTATING: Becoming Witnesses of Life
by Martin McMorrow
184 pages
Spectating: What if everything really does happen for a reason?
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About the Book
Of course, things are caused. Everything must happen for a reason. While most of us casually agree, remarkably few recognize an existence in which all things are caused: including our thoughts, feelings, and actions. There is too much contrary learning in the way.
But perhaps it is time to look at things differently. "Spectating: Becoming Witnesses of Life" is a step-by-step excursion through some basic premises of behavioral science that disassembles the myths of self-control and free will and replaces them with a radically different view of ourselves and the world that surrounds us. Of particular interest is that this view can be sensually exhilarating and less burdened by unpleasant emotions such as guilt, self-deprecation, and anger.
Martin McMorrow’s work provides a good reason to learn how to witness the awesome pervasiveness of causality in our lives and to experience our intimate connection with the physical and social space in which we are moved.
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About the Author |
Martin J. “Marty” McMorrow is a graduate-trained Behavior Analyst, who spent 38 years treating persons considered to be disabled. He has published around 70 professional papers and several books and training materials related to that work. Since retiring he has continued to write in ways that may serve others. |