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Helping Difficult People Change by Russ Rainey PhD

Helping Difficult People Change

by Russ Rainey PhD

202 pages
Helping the difficult people who are making your life miserable.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology
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About the Book
Life is full of difficult people, and most of us have had little success in dealing with them. We may live with them, work with them, be related to them, or otherwise just be stuck with them. But they drive us crazy, and we don't know how to help them change. This book, written by a professional counselor and life coach with thirty-five years of people-helping experience, will provide you with down-to-earth ideas on how you can influence these people's lives for the better, and make your own life peaceful again.

A brief and incomplete list of the types of difficult people we might want to help change would include:addicts, abusers, disrespectful, controllers, manipulators, users, liars, irresponsible, careless, self-centered, negligent, unloving, unfaithful, fixers and rescuers, immoral, unreliable, criminal, self-sufficient, prideful, and anti-God. If we did an inventory of our current relationships, we would all find some of these characters in our lives.

These people hurt us and frustrate us. They infuriate us and enable us to do things we later regret. And, they basically make our lives miserable. So, what can be done? Where does our help come from? What are our options for intervening? What are our limitations? This book answers these questions and more. For example, reading it you will learn:
  • when to put distance between you and the difficult person for your protection and their ultimate good
  • how to recognize sincere change and when to invite the difficult person back into full relationship
  • five effective ways to show unconditional love to the difficult person, the same ways God shows love to us
  • how to structure conversations with the difficult person that offer the best opportunity for them to choose to change
  • what scientific research teaches us about the process of change and how to use that information to help a difficult person learn to change
  • how to personally model the process of change for a difficult person
  • how and why to put all the responsibility for change on the difficult person instead of becoming their fixer/rescuer
Your own life will be changed by reading this book, and you will be prepared to open a brand new chapter in the relationship with your difficult person. You're going to like this book, but you will be challenged by it. But what else would one expect from a book entitled: Helping Difficult People Change?



About the Author
Dr. Russ Rainey is a professional counselor and life coach with thirty-five years of people-helping experience. He has taught graduate courses for counselors, run large counseling practices, and equipped many lay persons in how to have transformational conversations with others. He currently works in Christian ministry.



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