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SHADOW OF AN ANGEL by Lee Stevenson


by Lee Stevenson

752 pages
Angel knew exactly who she was, or so she thought!

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Category: Fiction
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About the Book
An essential part of life is supposedly the journey of self-discovery. But what if that self is not who you really are? Angel accidentally discovers a very unsettling secret. Thanks to her impetuous nature, which at times she can’t control; a trait she got from her daddy. So now what?

She just wanted the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! Haven’t you ever gone full tilt, full speed ahead on something that was very important to you, consequences be damned? Angel dares to open a Pandora’s Box, but the contents are not to her liking, and actually poses a real danger.

Her parents just don’t understand, and certainly don’t approve of this plan. Her very best friend in the world, the brash and fearless Tee, thinks her plan is nuts! Angel has never been out of the city on her own, having been sheltered by overprotective parents. There will be pain, loss, tragedy for our Angel, and for some of the people in her life she dearly loves.

The face in the mirror screams an obviously rhetorical question, what have I done?! The real challenge for our erstwhile heroine is how to now turn tragedy into triumph.



About the Author
The author is a former United States Marine, who married his high school sweetheart. Forty-six years of marriage and counting, three children raised, and a career successfully completed. He is now fulfilling a life-long, albeit deferred dream, to be a published author. Writing fascinating stories others can read and enjoy.



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