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The Gospel of World Peace by Preston Albert

The Gospel of World Peace

by Preston Albert

648 pages
A message of unity for a fragmented world. A defiant spiritual affirmation for the coming Age of Aquarius. It brings harmony between science and faith, intuition and logic, pragmatism and speculation, divine and human, covering topics such as reincarnation, purpose of the Christ and unification of scientific and spiritual theories.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology:Philosophy
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About the Book
Can an ordinary citizen change the world? Can somebody with no resources work through the gauntlet of hate to proclaim a message of love? Can someone who knows nothing be given the knowledge of God? Is peace possible? What’s the truth and how do we find our way to it?

These are the questions I had to ask myself when I was called upon in late 2013. I was nobody who knew nothing. My life was completely flipped upside-down in a calling like no other. I went on a quest to find the answers, ending up with more questions as I dug deeper toward the truth. This book contains my findings as I now see through the illusions of this world and I’m ready to build a new one. Peace is possible if people are willing to stand for it.

The status quo is horrendous. Peace is maintained by a perpetual threat of war. Poverty is ignored amidst materialism. Churches spew sermons of hate. The poor are shamed. The greedy are exalted. Humility is a weakness. Crassness is a virtue. Violence is an everyday part of life. Junk food proclaims health benefits. The water might not be safe to drink. People believe they can act without consequence. It’s time for a new perspective.

We reap what we sow, the harvest is here, and I’m the unlikely messenger.

The Gospel of World Peace is a book designed to bring an uprising of unity to our fragmented world. It’s a defiant spiritual affirmation for the coming Age of Aquarius. The text starts off describing the choosing of a servant, reading like something out of the Old Testament. An ordinary nobody working a nothing job when the visions started. Shortly thereafter, intense paranormal activity occurs resulting in a hospital stay. This triggered a complete spiritual metamorphosis. God truly selects his servants from the most unlikely of places.

This book covers several divine concepts such as reincarnation, purpose of the Christ, and uniting scientific and spiritual theories. This is the turning of an age, where we move from a culture of division to one of unity. There will be harmony between science and faith, intuition and logic, pragmatism and speculation, divine and human, as well as matter and spirit.

This is a journey of truth and a quest for peace.
It’s time for a revolution.



About the Author
Preston Albert is a simple person with a complex life. He's spent his whole life surrounded by addiction and trauma, somehow staying sane in insane situations. He’s lived a life of extremes, from the roller coaster ride of being a comic to the banality of accounting, from atheism to enlightenment, from chaos to stability. He’s on a mission to liberate the masses from the shackles of inequality. He knows how broken the system is. He's on a quest to bring peace to a world that needs it. In 2013, he went through a complete spiritual metamorphosis, discovering his whole life up to that point had been preparing him for this task. He needs these skills more than ever. And his favorite color is purple.



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