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CHIANG KAI SHEK AND THE KUOMINTANG ARMY:  A Pictorial History of Taiwan in 1955 – 1956 by Eileen Joyce

CHIANG KAI SHEK AND THE KUOMINTANG ARMY: A Pictorial History of Taiwan in 1955 – 1956

by Eileen Joyce

200 pages
A Pictorial History of Taiwan in 1955 – 1956

Hardcover $66.99   + $9.68 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.48 S&H per additional copy)
Category: History
(requires Adobe Reader)
About the Book
Little is known about the Chinese Nationalist Army (Kuomintang Army) during the 1950’s, as they were isolated and secretive. The book portrays a professional, well-trained and highly organized armed force. This collection consists of 300 black and white images and tells an incredibly moving story of life for the Kuomintang soldiers in Taiwan during 1955 and 1956. Depicted are leaders and heroes, and military displays of men and hardware. All aspects of the troop’s lives are covered, from combat, training and drills to camp life and entertainment. The images are typical of the period and the political climate, and they speak for themselves. These photographs are rare and many are historically significant.

This collection is a visual documentation of the past. Our history, both the good and the bad, is the legacy left to us by those that came before us. We can’t change it. It is our obligation to understand where we came from, how we got to where we are today and, most importantly, to make sure that we don’t repeat our mistakes.

This book is an excellent addition to the library of any military history buff.


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