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BUDDHIST FOOTPRINTS IN A CHRISTIAN HEART Or Holy Crap! Waking Up In India by Nellie Lauth


by Nellie Lauth

126 pages
Spiritual autobiography based on author's experience in India

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Category: Body, Mind and Spirit
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About the Book
“Have you looked enough into the world and found it lacking? Have you sought peace in the world but only find yourself at a dead end road once again? Feeling the same sadness, have you finally decided to surrender? Are you ready? How great!”

This quote is how it began. I was ready. My own spiritual pilgrimage began as many do—in desperation to overcome pain. If we are lucky, we find out that our pain is inextricably bound to the suffering of others and that as we release ourselves, we release all beings, without exception. This is the story of my undoing and a map of the heart. It is a path of healing and of resurrection. It is told to inspire others to consciously decide to hear the call for peace in a world that is terrifying us and that seems to be hurling itself into an abyss of despair. If I can do it, anyone can. If I can find peace in the world, so can you. Let us together sing a song that is a lullaby to those asleep; let us wake up and love one another.

BUDDHIST FOOTPRINTS IN A CHRISTIAN HEART provides a Compassionate Practice for any spiritual pilgrim who longs to be in the world but not of it, whose desire is to awaken. It is a courageous, captivating story you will turn to again and again, for its pith instructions and for its compelling layers that penetrate heart and mind, calling you, too, to join this incredible journey.



About the Author
Nellie Lauth, MSW, is a therapist who sought the company of spiritual companions and teachers. When she met a Tibetan Buddhist monk, she took refuge in the teachings of compassion, and found a way to Christ. She is a powerful speaker and facilitates groups, chants and retreats around the country.



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