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Opening a Profitable Law Office in the New Economy by Daniel M. Breen

Opening a Profitable Law Office in the New Economy

by Daniel M. Breen

92 pages
Get your entrepreneurial legal career started.

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About the Book
How to Open a Profitable Law Office in the New Economy is the most practical guide available for lawyers who are interested in learning more about opening a practice. Daniel M. Breen walks through the fundamentals of law office ownership in way that is both approachable and insightful. You will learn about the necessary building blocks of getting an office up, running, and making money. You should come away from this book with a practical and economical plan for:

- Marketing your new practice;
- Finding office space;
- Setting up your back end technology and phones;
- Developing a case management system;
- Managing your finances;
- Setting yourself up for growth;

Both new graduates and seasoned veterans will find value in this guide.



About the Author
Daniel M. Breen Daniel M. Breen is a partner at Breen Goril Law, a plaintiff litigation firm based out of Chicago, IL. Dan began his legal career when he opened The Law Offices of Daniel M. Breen, P.C., on the same day that he earned his law license in 2009. Dan regularly speaks about law office management at The John Marshall Law School and Loyola University Chicago School of Law, where he has taught as an adjunct professor.



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