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BUNGALOWS & MANCAVES: The Semi-Cool Adventures of Hickey and Clyde Philosophy with a Southern Twist by Tom Hicks and Rodney Pickel

BUNGALOWS & MANCAVES: The Semi-Cool Adventures of Hickey and Clyde Philosophy with a Southern Twist

by Tom Hicks and Rodney Pickel

414 pages
Hickey and Clyde's Bungalow and Mancave philosophy with a southern twist

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology:Philosophy
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About the Book
Bungalows & Mancaves reveals the world of Hickey and Clyde, where philosophical drinks are mixed with a southern twist and entertainment is provided by a talking guitar named Al. Tom Hicks, author of nine books and Rodney Pickel, author of two books, explore the wonderful world of space and time in a place called home. The semi-cool adventures include humor, food, and libations all wrapped up in a bundle called friendship.


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About the Author
Tom Hicks and Rodney Pickel Tom Hicks is a writer, speaker, traveler, entrepreneur and the capitalist hippie at Buddha Billy Bob Enterprises.



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