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Unification by Bridges McCall


by Bridges McCall

384 pages
Adult fiction, love story, adventure, meditation, ancient wisdom, enlightenment, architecture

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Category: Body, Mind and Spirit
About the Book
The first editor who read Unification declared, “This book should go viral – if it didn’t it would indeed be a shame! Where did you get this story and these ideas?” I responded, “I channeled them, I just had to remember who we really are.”

Unification is about journeying into the Great Mystery to find out who we really are. Travel through wide-ranging ideas, time frames, and exciting geographical locations with unforgettable characters. Unification is a riveting mystical journey of the heart, spirit, and mind. Open up to the expansion and realize your limitless possibilities and greatness.

Unification sweeps you into an exciting exploration spanning from ancient Europe to 2036 in the Americas, examining profound questions and revealing brilliant solutions. An expansive bandwidth of ideas and heartwarming stories stretches your imagination to consider magnificent alternatives. Powerful and relevant spiritual ideas are laced into the elegant storylines that will have you laughing and in tears. You truly won’t know what to expect when you enter the Unification – except it will engage you, guide you and will help heal everyone.

Our DNA and intellect are barely functioning, our life-force energy is half dead, and we are faced with global annihilation, brought on by our destructive religious and cultural beliefs. What are we doing? Search within to find peace and prosperity – the Unification. You’ll see everything in a radiant new light and find the goodness that is always streaming to us!

Unification explores modern and ancient themes, such as futuristic architecture, spirituality vs religion, marital arts, meditation, the mysteries behind pyramids and temples, resolving global issues, and man's true purpose and destiny.

We must abandon the out-dated operating systems, destructive programs and crippling beliefs to feel truly alive! Journey into the Mystery – everything we seek is waiting for us – we must simply wake up! We are not charged with solving the enormity of the world’s problems but neither are we free to abandon them.


Unification: is a new age story of mind expansion and awakening and explores the concept of The Unification: the process of enlightenment. Set in changing timelines from ancient eras to 2035...

Selects individuals who are on the path of solving greater mysteries....Crisp, clear, and precise are the journeys of protagonists and connections between past, present, and future.

These protagonists investigate self-healing research, unrealized potential, and the nature of truth, reality, and innocence...The story line is alluring and engrossing...

...Offering the rare opportunity to absorb spiritual concepts in a pairing of fictional mystical and physical journeys.
- Diane Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Reviews



About the Author
Bridges McCall has been studying meditation and ancient wisdom for forty years. His architectural commissions include 360 projects and temple designs in the Americas and Europe. His ranks include black belts in Karate and MMA, and a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. His thriller, Gracefall, will be released in 2016.



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