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Schrödinger's Cubicle or The Tyranny of Lean - A Business Guide for the Cynical Cube Dweller by Phillip J Hubbell

Schrödinger's Cubicle or The Tyranny of Lean - A Business Guide for the Cynical Cube Dweller

by Phillip J Hubbell

270 pages
Schrödinger's Cubicle is where business sense meets common sense.

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Category: Entertainment:Humor
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About the Book
Do you ever look around your workplace and think that a “random title generator” is at play? Do the titles on office doors suggest a multi-level organization but the way things work screams two tiered? Can you see the back of your coworkers head? Do you feel like someone is looking at you…all the time? Can you see the entry door from where you have to park? Is taking your vacation days a negative career move? Does your best retirement option include dying before age sixty-five? Can you speak in a normal voice at your desk? Do you even have a desk? Do windows fascinate you? Have you ever actually seen the sun during the workday? Do you have to stand on a stool to see the fire exit?


Cube farms were created to get more people into smaller spaces to cut costs. Cubicles have gotten smaller to fit more people into less space cutting more costs. Cubicle walls have gotten shorter to cut even more costs.


Eliminating cubes, while keeping the people in same space, is to cut costs. If they could convince people to share a chair to cut costs, they would. Nothing that happens in a cube farm environment starts with “I’ll bet the workers would love this.”



About the Author
Phillip Hubbell lives in the Midwest and works in a cubicle. Phillip is the author of five books. He is currently writing several others. Phillip is originally from Texas and hopes to get back there someday where he won't fear freezing to death for locking his keys in his car.



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