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by J. A. Durbin

32 pages
Helps kids understand and deal with anger in positive ways

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Category: Family
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About the Book
Angry Monster is about a little boy who feels like an angry monster. He doesn't know how to deal with it so he says and does mean things to his sister and wrecks the house.

The boy's mother uses understanding and kindness to defeat the angry monster and help the boy find "himself" again.

Angry Monster uses the Christian themes of compassion, baptism, (washing away the angry monster via a warm bath), forgiveness, and renewal, as well as acceptance of ourselves as imperfect beings.

Children are so often told to "be nice", when they don't feel nice, and to "be happy" when they don't feel happy. Dealing with strong emotions, both positive and negative, must be taught and practiced in order for a person to grow into a successful adult.



About the Author
Jill Durbin is a 23-year veteran of the Air Force. While serving her country and raising two boys she followed her passion for learning and literature earning a Bachelor's Degree in English, a Master's Degree in Creative Writing, and a self-made Certificature in the Psychology of Creativity from Regis University.



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