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Conversation > < Contemplation by William Collins

Conversation > < Contemplation

by William Collins

280 pages
Conversation >< Contemplation is a collection of 99 short stories by author, William Collins.

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Category: Fiction
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About the Book
Conversation >< Contemplation is a collection of 99 short stories by author, William Collins.

The book is an eclectic collection of fictionalized retellings and introspective ponderings; a little something for everyone. It's an entertaining smattering of quick reads for busy people. Most stories get to the point immediately yet leave the reader wondering, or perhaps hoping for more.

There is something for everyone romance, relationships, science fiction, speculation, controversy, frivolity, religion, philosophy, parenting, decision-making, even nonsense and a few not easily classified.

Almost all will leave you with something to think about. All are destined to entertain.

Welcome to William Collins' world of fictionalized conversations and thoughtful contemplations.


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    The Bishop realized that sooner or later we’d be able to contact, and perhaps communicate with other civilizations throughout our Milky Way galaxy. His vision, his Mission, was for us to prepare for that time and to ask, "Are we alone?"


About the Author
Collins worked many years in corporate settings where the written word was vital for success. Letters, memos, and email messages became his forte. When communicating with coworkers to produce results, it was essential that messages be succinct, accurate and courteous. Now retired, Collins uses those skills to write short stories.



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