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THE BOOK OF THOMAS THE DOUBTER: Uncovering the Hidden Teachings by George Tyrrell

THE BOOK OF THOMAS THE DOUBTER: Uncovering the Hidden Teachings

by George Tyrrell

206 pages
The Book of Thomas reveals how Thomas carried out Jesus' secret teachings from the Gospel of Thomas, and his acts as an apostle in mysterious lands. His final mission took him among the exotic mysteries of ancient India. All of it is documented including sites and Thomas tribes in India to prove it.

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Category: Religion:Christianity
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About the Book
The Gospel of Thomas revealed the secret teachings Jesus gave to his doubting disciple. The ancient historian Eusebius spoke of Thomas' travels into the mysteries of occult lands. The Acts of Thomas told of his mission among the Hindus and Buddhists of India (and there are commemorative sites and Thomas Christians in India to prove it). What effects would Jesus' most intimate teachings have on the disciple Thomas? And how would this skeptical Jew have responded to the occult religions in strange lands? Thomas' secret teachings and mysterious travels are now brought vividly alive in the apocryphal story: The Book of Thomas the Doubter: Uncovering the Hidden Teachings.



About the Author
The author George Tyrrell traces his namesake back to the 19th century Jesuit Father George Tyrrell who was excommunicated for attempting to bring Christianity to modern times. Tyrrell now is a retired psychologist who—in the spirit of W. James, Jung and others-developed a profound interest in spirituality and religion. (Jung himself helped uncover the hidden Nag Hammadi texts on which this book is based.) Tyrrell immersed himself in the ancient secrets and this astounding book was born.



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