Holy, Holey, Wholly?
by Julie Barricklow
112 pages
A journey of faith and perspective.
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Category: Religion:Christianity
About the Book
Have you allowed God to take you on a journey? Somewhere in the world, in your heart, in your point of view? What was the purpose of such travels? Many questions arise when we step out and permit our Creator to plan our itinerary. When we trust Him, these journeys will carry us to unexpected places and show us aspects of things we've never anticipated.
Some questions posed encourage you to explore, question, even discount the viewpoints. The hope is they will open to you new perspectives on who God is, His purpose, and how we were created to bring Him glory.
About the Author |
Julie Barricklow is a primary educator and painter. She enjoys taking a macro-view of the world around her through painting and photography. Passionate about fair trade chocolate of any kind, she is always willing to share her stash with anyone. |