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Aunt Netty and Me by Robert G. Wilson

Aunt Netty and Me

by Robert G. Wilson

86 pages
Poetry and a crippled sailor help frightened girl cope, grow

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Category: Fiction:Young Adult
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About the Book
A Massachusetts family, broken by an untimely death, copes only by scattering the children. Clara, a frightened, angry, girl of nine is sent to live with a stranger in Newburyport for her formative years, yet emerges strong, cheerful and fiercely independent. A lonely woman and a crippled sailor transform her bitterness and anger, showing Clara the real source of her strength and love.


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About the Author
Robert G. Wilson Rob Wilson lives in an environment in Santa Fe, New Mexico surrounded by an enthusiastic and encouraging group of artists, writers and photographers. His stories flow from the New England family that bred him.



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