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Don't You Know? by Gary Gazlay

Don't You Know?

by Gary Gazlay

24 pages
Humorous children’s book with pictures and multiple sight words.

Paperback $12.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Education
About the Book
Don’t You Know? is the third in a series of five books that provide children with the opportunity to read new sight words multiple times. “Don’t You Know?” contains 208 sight words taken from various word lists and includes an easy to use word chart and word tracker. None of the sentences are intended to make any sense whatsoever and hopefully will be enjoyable to read and make children laugh.


Related Titles
  • MEANINGLESS SENSE by Gary Gazlay
    Meaningless Sense is comprised of 1,001 meaningless statements.
  • Meaningless Sense Too! by Gary Gazlay
    501 meaningless humorous answers to 501 meaningless amusing questions
  • Do You Know? by Gary Gazlay
    “Do You Know?” contains 160 multiple sight words for children.
  • Did You Know? by Gary Gazlay
    A humorous children’s book with pictures and multiple sight words.
  • Didn't You Know? by Gary Gazlay
    Humorous children’s book with pictures and multiple sight words.
  • Should You Know? by Gary Gazlay
    Humorous sight word sentences with colorful pictures and word tracker.


About the Author
Gary Gazlay grew up in Pinellas County, Florida, and attended the University of South Florida. He has taught music for the past 40 years at the adult, high school, middle school, and elementary levels. He currently is teaching instrumental music at Madison County Central School located in Madison, Florida.



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