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Finding Our Compass: Reflections on a World in Crisis by Christopher "Chris" Wright

Finding Our Compass: Reflections on a World in Crisis

by Christopher "Chris" Wright

344 pages
Marxian, anti-authoritarian thoughts on capitalism, history, and American culture

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About the Book
“There’s a time when the operation of the Machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part.” So said Mario Savio in 1964; so say millions of the disenfranchised now. As the apparatus of elite institutions grinds on, pushing society to the brink, protesters across the world are putting their bodies upon its gears and its wheels, to open up space for freedom and creativity unconstrained by institutional strictures. It’s time we all followed their lead.

In a series of freewheeling reflections and summaries of historical scholarship, this book reinterprets history and culture along anarchist lines. From a rationalistic and Marxian point of view it illuminates capitalism, economics, U.S. history, popular culture, gender relations, and human psychology, even the nature of the fascinating concepts “genius” and “greatness.” Its agenda is that of the 17th-century Levellers: deflate the pomposities of elite authority, and bring the world down to the level of democratic reason. In the process, one hopes, we will find our way out of the crisis of the present and into a more just civilization in the future.



About the Author
Christopher "Chris" Wright Chris Wright is a Ph.D. candidate in U.S. Labor History. He also has a Master's degree in Philosophy and another in History, and is the author of Notes of an Underground Humanist (2013) and Worker Cooperatives and Revolution (2014). He can be reached at



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