The Successful Writer's Handbook
by Patricia L. Fry
131 pages
Practical tools, creative ideas and useful techniques for writers.
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About the Book
The Successful
Writer's Handbook is a collection of Patricia Fry's best
writing-related articles. Herein, you'll learn how to crush writer's
block, where to find writing work even during an economic downturn
and how to manage the business of writing.
You'll discover hundreds of techniques to help you break into magazine
writing, self-publish your book and market yourself and your work.
This book also includes research resources and techniques for writers,
ideas for designing a writer's Web site, tips for planning a more
successful book signing and an easy-to-follow time-line for self-publishing.
Do you tend to procrastinate? Are you afraid to speak in public?
Do you sometmes border on burnout? Fry also addresses these issues
for the working writer.
She has included articles on networking as a tool for authors, interview
techniques for writers and even how to pose for your publicity photo.
While this book is jam-packed with practical tools, creative ideas
and useful techniques, the last chapter is a journey of self. You'll
be invited to enter a writer's garden. You'll learn how to use your
journal for therapy and inspiration. And you'll discover how to
create greater balance in your life.
This book is recommended for writers at any stage of their passion.
You'll probably be inspired to read it from cover to cover. But
also keep it handy as a reference guide. If you're new to writing,
certain articles may resonate with you now while others will draw
you in later. However, you decide to use this book, relish it with
the author's blessings, for she has charted the course on which
you are now embarking.
What distinquishes Patricia Fry from so many others in the business is her willingness to share her expertise and, more importantly, countless wonderful tips and strategies that are sure to benefit novice and seasoned writers alike. Writers at all levels and interests would be wise to invest in this well-crafted manual.
- Lori Joyal
The Successful Writer's Handbook is especially of value to the newer writer desiring a quick start in the business, or the writer who needs to jumpstart a career, but of help to everyone. Also has chapters for the writer tackling book authoring. Included: 7 Rules for Crushing Writer's Block, Query Etiquette and Expertise, Recycle and Profit, The Book Proposal, Publish Your Own Book -- a Timeline, 10 Ways to Recession-proof Your Writing Business, Spring Cleaning for Writers and lots more.
- Dana Cassell
Freelance Writer's Report
Patricia Fry has written an excellent basic reference for writers who aspire to make a living from their work. Of course, there are many such books on the market, but this goes a few steps farther in several areas, such as recycling previously written work and selling it again in several ways for additional income with little extra effort. The book reads as though she were giving you good advice across the kitchen table.
- Ron Litton
eBook Reviews Weekly
Ms. Fry is an established writer with many published articles to her credit. The Successful Writer's Handbook is one of a group of 12 books she has produced. Chapters are short, lucid and to the point. Good solid writing suggestions are offered for enabling the reader to understand what is needed if a successful writing career is in their future. This book can be an excellent tool for both the novice and the more advanced writer.
- Cindy Penn
Whether you're in love with writing but haven't begun to do it professionally or you've finished writing a novel and are waiting to get it published, you could find something useful in this book. It covers a wide range of areas in the field of writing from taking that first step towards being a freelance writer to writing a book and marketing it.
- Hasmita Chandler
Inscriptions Magazine
The keyword in the title of Patricia Fry's new book is "successful." She provides literally hundreds of suggestions for any writer from the beginner to published authors, to be successful.
- Peggy Hazelwood
Albooktross Electronic Bookstore
The Successful Writer's Handbook contains reality-based advice written from the true perspective of a real-life experienced writer. Patricia offers inspiration and practical advice on getting your career started, as well as sound stepping stones for establishing and building your writing career. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in absorbing a professionally-written, well-organized piece of work that answers the basics and the essentials of writing as a career.
- Terri Mrosko
Enhanced Communication
Writer Patricia Fry has crafted an enormously helpful information packed work in her book, The Successful Writer's Handbook.
- Molly Martin
Scribe's World Reviews
About the Author |
Patricia Fry has been writing for publication for 29 years, having contributed hundreds of articles to about 160 different magazines. She's the author of 12 books including, A Writer's Guide to Magazine Articles, and Over 75 Good Ideas for Promoting Your Book. |