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STRANGE CAPER by Thea Phipps


by Thea Phipps

266 pages
A comedic mystery featuring Bella Wildeve.

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Category: Fiction:Mystery
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About the Book
"The whole fiasco began with Liza Weebs’ evil scone of death.

Perhaps 'caper' is the appropriate word since what began as a simple holiday and a tainted scone ended with a clot of angry priests, more than one mysterious disappearance, and a couple of inept smugglers running for their lives on a crowded Greek beach. I am one of those inept smugglers. My friend Tamsin is the other.

It was supposed to be a holiday. Two idyllic weeks in the Greek sun, courtesy of Albert and Violet, retired field agents for MI6. But when the enigmatic Frenchman entered the picture, not to mention the Serbian acrobats, everything changed . . ."

Bella Wildeve is forced to flee for her life. But instead of finding safety, she finds herself on the naturists' paradise of Gavdos. She quickly becomes ensnared in kidnapping, smuggling, and in trying to understand the puzzling brass key that will save them all.



About the Author
Thea Phipps Thea Phipps lives in Arkansas with her husband of 32 years. Hearing the adage, 'Write what you know,' she began a series about a young English volunteer worker who solves mysteries. Being a closet rebel, the only commonality she has with her protagonist is the volunteer work and her humor.



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