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Break the Chain by Eli Galla

Break the Chain

by Eli Galla

320 pages
Eddie Strand forms a tribe centered around the Tantric transmission.

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Category: Spirituality And Psychology
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About the Book

Eddie Strand, Heather Donovan, and Sherry Shaw form the nucleus of this Tantric tribe. Later, Beth Lyons and Debbie Patton join them. They all have deep beliefs about their purpose in life and how they need to rewrite the script that their parents set them up with at birth.

Sherry is an aspiring musician with long blond hair and a shapely body. The Supervisor, Dave Stratton, pursues her relentlessly. She comes to realize that Eddie is sincere in his Tantric beliefs, and she can depend on him.

Heather Donovan is the fish observer on the boat. She's into ecology and can't believe that the only job her marine biology degree could obtain for her was working on a factory/trawler that ravages the ocean with its trawl net, scouring the floor of the ocean, devouring anything it its path.

Eddie believes deeply in Tantra, the ancient teachings about how to hook up mind, body, and environment; maintaining affinity with the goddess mother of Earth. He incorporates these teachings into the tribe's everyday life.

When they are on the boat, they are caught in the midst of a power struggle between the supervisor and the Skipper and First Mate. The Supervisor is busted for cocaine and the crew's livelihood is threatened. Soon after an explosion rocks the boat and sends the whole crew scrambling for their lives.

Miraculously surviving his ordeal at sea; Eddie, reunites with the girls in Seattle. He is accused of setting the fire, which occurred just before a gaping hole from the bomb capsized the boat into the Bering Sea. He is the only one who is able to put together the puzzle of how the boat went down and why it happened.

Eddie and Sherry are introduced to the widow of the Chief Engineer from the boat, Debbie Patton. She is slight of build with pale blond hair. She turns to Sherry and Eddie for the true story of what happened to her beloved husband. Eddie and Sherry help Debbie deal with her grief. Slowly Debbie realizes she feels affinity for the beliefs of the tribe. She feels that each of them is her checkmate.

Beth Lyons used to work with Eddie. She has been his friend for several years, but she didn't want to believe that she could love him. Now after being raped she realizes he's been trying to show her that she can empower herself. She sees and feels the quality of life the tribe is aspiring to and joins the adventure.

Eddie lends his support to helping the survivors, of, this, the worst factory/trawler catastrophe in Alaska. He enlists the help of lawyer Nicole Rosen who is taken with Eddie's compassionate nature and his purpose of resolving this situation. Together they pursue making the company responsible for the lives of the 17 crewmembers that have been needlessly sacrificed by the senselessness of the supervisor's act of revenge.

Eddie vows to bring Dave Stratton and his gang to justice.



About the Author
Eli Galla Eli Galla lived in a Tantric tribe for 14 years. He lived in India for two years, worked in the fields of California and was a field representative in the United Farm Workers union. He was a fish processor on factory/trawlers during the boom time in the Alaskan fishing fleet.



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