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A Good-Girl's Bad-Ass Confessions: Adventures in Guatemala and Beyond by La Mariposa

A Good-Girl's Bad-Ass Confessions: Adventures in Guatemala and Beyond

by La Mariposa

324 pages
How many men does it take to find the meaning of life?

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About the Book
Hot flashes light a blazing fire under Mariposa as she sets out on a two-fold quest to understand both Guatemalan NGOs and Latin males. Magical men, married men, manic men... Mariposa rides the relationship roller coaster both at home and abroad until a tragic incident makes her realize that, to get the right answer, you first need to ask the right question.



About the Author
Born in Montreal, Quebec of Belgian parents, the writer graduated in Communications from McGill University in the 1970’s, then obtained an M.A. in Educational Technology from Concordia University where she did a thesis on women in non-traditional occupations. After a brief career in sales and marketing, she returned to McGill to get a teaching degree, and has taught ESL in Quebec at the college level for the past twenty years. Passionate about travel and culture, the writer first went to Guatemala with her daughter in 2002. After witnessing the paralyzing effect of the lack of education on rural woman and their children, the writer set up an NGO in 2007 and organized a humanitarian trip to Guatemala in 2008. The project was known as the Mariposa Project, the inspiration for the pen name La Mariposa, and a suitable name for a woman transformed by life.



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