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The Armory: Equipping Warriors of the Faith by Andrew Boll

The Armory: Equipping Warriors of the Faith

by Andrew Boll

206 pages
A series of devotions related to spiritual warfare

Paperback $16.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Religion:Christianity
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About the Book
As the secular world becomes more and more hostile toward God and His children, Christian warriors often feel weak and vulnerable in the face of spiritual attacks. The Armory: Equipping Warriors of the Faith is a series of over eighty devotions with the single goal of arming God’s soldiers with the only effective weapon against the darkness of this world: The Sword of the Spirit – the Word of God.

Holy Scripture stands in its proper place – first and foremost – in each of these devotions. Whether it is by studying the exquisite pieces of spiritual armor that God has given us in His Word, by analyzing the tactical defense methods He has laid out for us, or simply by drawing inspiration and wisdom from the faith heroes who have gone before us, we must recognize that ultimately our sure defense and our sole weapon against the Devil’s onslaught is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Armory: Equipping Warriors of the Faith is a useful text for arming Christians against their daily spiritual battles. These Scripture meditations focus on providing God’s saints with the tools they need to be a light for those around them while directing all to the cross of Jesus Christ, in whom we find our sure and certain victory.

Andrew Boll is a synodically trained Lutheran school teacher. In his ten years of teaching experience, he has come across many inspirational texts, themes, and illustrations within the context of classical literature. However, he has noticed that these texts serve a lasting purpose only when they direct readers to God’s Word, wherein we find our sole source of life, truth, and freedom.



About the Author
Andrew Boll has taught literature in a Christian high school setting for ten years. His experience in the classroom has been a valuable resource in writing books, devotions, and Bible-studies that help people of all ages develop Christian values and characteristics.



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