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The Tortured Jewel by Patricia Harman (Trish Harman)

The Tortured Jewel

by Patricia Harman (Trish Harman)

112 pages
The Tortured Jewel is the story of a shelter dog.

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Category: Animals
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About the Book
The Tortured Jewel is the story of a shelter dog who after being caught by the county escaped and climbed like a cat over their wire enclosure.

Bijou tells her own story of her illness and the attempts to cure the problem.

She explains how she waited to be adopted, about her new family, how they drove during the night to get away from a fire that threatened their home.

She also tells what it was like to meet a skunk, and about groups of people who are helping dogs.



About the Author
Trish Harman was an elementary school teacher and reading specialist for 36 years. In retirement she works for a professor on a micro fossil project, plays fiddle, sings, dances, studies Spanish and of course writes.



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