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by C. R. JAHN

274 pages
Dark urban fantasy set in Denver. Demonology based occult noir.

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Category: Fiction:SciFi Fantasy Horror
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About the Book
Jake used to be someone once, before the incident that sent him to prison. Now he’s back, his existence split between a mysterious spiritual quest within the dreamlands, and the tedium of pumping gas for minimum wage ... until the Smilers showed up.

No-one knows where they came from or why they’re cruising the city after dark, snatching vagrants and addicts off the street, but soon they’re connected to a hallucinogenic designer drug only available in Denver, which intensifies Jake’s latent clairvoyant abilities.

This is not your typical dark urban fantasy. This tale stretches the genre well past noir towards a nihilistic hellscape beyond the border of insanity. C. R. Jahn is a bold new voice exploring uncharted territory with this nightmarish depiction of supernatural terror.


"It leaves fingerprints on you."
- Cam Rogers, bestselling author of QUANTUM BREAK: ZERO STATE



About the Author
C.R.Jahn is the author of FTW Self Defense, Hardcore Self Defense, and co-author of Arcane Lore. He self describes as "an INFJ with PTSD and mild Asperger's." Other than that, not much is known about C.R.Jahn ... and C.R.Jahn prefers to keep it that way.



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