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Easy Evil by Doug Cummings

Easy Evil

by Doug Cummings

402 pages
Judge's murder sets cop on the trail of a hitman.

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Category: Fiction:Mystery
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About the Book
It's a beautiful fall evening in Chicago's suburbs.

The smell of burning leaves floats in the air.

And a judge and her daughter lie shot to death in their driveway.

The young man caught fleeing the scene comes from a family of drug-running gangsters and was dating the girl over her mother's objections. It looks like the county task force is about to make a solid arrest and close the case.

Wisaka Deputy Police Chief Harry Cork has a different take on the murders, however. He thinks they may be the work of a professional, a contract killer, and his investigation leads him from the quiet suburbs... to a billion dollar conspiracy... and to a threat that could destroy his life.


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About the Author
Doug Cummings Doug Cummings has been a cop, a security consultant and a TV/Radio correspondent on the crime and disaster beat. He's the author of two other novels, Deader by the Lake and Every Secret Crime. He lives in the Chicago suburbs.



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