A Line in the Sand
by Charlie King
272 pages
Salid Mandal takes Kuwait, but not the way Saddam did.
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Category: Fiction:Adventure
About the Book
the sanctions imposed after Desert Storm partially lifted, partially
disregarded and wholly unenforced, an Iraqi Dictator is again lusting
after Kuwait's oil fields and seaports. But Salid Mandal recognizes
that there's an easier way to take Kuwait than by force of arms. He'll
use the hoard of Palestinain refugees deported from the West Bank
and Gaza after Israel's short lived efforts at peaceful coexistence
with their neighbors. He'll use Yasir Assad; an Iraqi Army Commander
who happens to be Palestinian by birth, support him with a ruthless
security organization, and will mold Kuwait's Palestinian workers
into a tool. He'll build an apparent Palestinain Solidarity Union,
with a KGB soul.
When the United Brotherhood of Kuwait Workers surfaces, Toshi Nasiatka
fears his new prototype refinery near the Kuwait border may be swept
up by whomever is backing the sudden labor movement. He knows the
Saudis would destroy it with artillery fire, rather than let the interlopers
prosper from their thieving ways. His solution? If the refinery were
temporarily out of commission, it might not be targeted, and who better
to cripple it than Oliver Bird, the man who built it.
Ambassador Gibson is as shocked as the rest of the world when sudden
change happens, but he doesn't buy a blossoming trade union springing
from the desert sands. With the help of Colonel John Jones' Anti-Terrorist
Task Force, and CNN's energy correspondent, he plans to find the real
About the Author |
The son of a career Navy man, Charlie King has lived and worked as a Naval Aviation Medical Technician, as an Ironworker, an Undergroung Miner, and an Alaska Commercial Fisherman. Currently he is a member of a three man multinational construction management team overseeing construction on military bases. |