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Love Songs by Mario Spassov

Love Songs

by Mario Spassov

96 pages
A collection of poems in the lyric poetry tradition.

Paperback $13.95   + $8.59 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.20 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Writing:Creative Writing:Poetry
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About the Book
LOVE SONGS is a collection of poems, written over a period of thirty years. It continues a long and proud tradition of medieval troubadours, renaissance bards, and romantic poets. The book is a humble contribution to the delightful world of lyric poetry.



About the Author
Mario Spassov was born in Bulgaria in 1956. In 1991 he emigrated to the United States. He lives in Denver, Colorado. In 1993, a collection of his poetry entitled, "Night Suite", was published in Bulgaria. This volume is his first collection to be published in English.



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