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Perseverance by Sandy Weiner


by Sandy Weiner

126 pages
Self Help for women living and struggling with the effects of Bipolar Disorder

Hardcover $27.00   + $9.68 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.48 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Self Help
About the Book
The book is about the struggles that women encounter on a daily basis living with Bipolar Disorder. The book covers the issues of female sexuality and how mood swings play a pivitol role their relationships. The book also covers the idea of social cognitions and how this effects ones interactions and perceptions. The book also covers the issues of dependency along with problem of addictions. The book ends with the discussion of achieving a sense of well-being.



About the Author
Author has worked in the mental health field for 16 years. Her focus has always been womens issues. Author received her BA Degree from the State University of New York, a Masters Degree from Adelphi University, and her Doctorate Degree from Southern California University For Professional Studies.



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