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GEORGIE-BOY: Help, I'm Not a Vegetable! by george thornally

GEORGIE-BOY: Help, I'm Not a Vegetable!

by george thornally

80 pages
A disarmingly amusing story about a sixteen-year-old boy who becomes paralyzed and condemned to remain a vegetable only to surprise everyone by recovering.

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Category: Autobiography
About the Book
This is the story of a sixteen-year-old boy who became paralyzed and, as a result, was assumed to be dying of polio; or, if he survived, to have before him an unpleasant future in which he would live mainly as a vegetable. As it turned out, to almost everyone?s surprise, the vegetable turned back into the boy who grew to manhood and went on to live a productive life. I was that young boy Georgie-boy. This is my story.

Told from the young boy's point of view, this amusing account of so serious a subject will be especially illuminating for those who have a loved one in a coma or semi-comatose condition and must wrestle with the question of whether to terminate medical life-support. Alternatively, it can serve as useful background for those who may someday be in the position of having such power over life and death. If the decision goes in favor of pulling the plug, it is not unlikely that the person making the decision will repeatedly look back and wonder: Did I do the right thing?? This story can help readers understand what the patient might be going through and provide background for thedifficult decision some of you may have to face.

The appendix covers Practical Steps You Can Take Immediately, If All Else Fails, and, Around Hospitals and Staff. These sections demystify the hospital experience and make is possible for you to accomplish what you believe needs to be done despite the system.



About the Author
george thornally George has developed real estate, lead college courses in creative studies, opened one of the first computer stores, and helped fashion AOL. His writing career began with AOL BY GEORGE! The Inside Story of America Online. Awaiting the Kiss and Georgie-Boy followed. He is presently working on a romantic intrigue.



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