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Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury by Alexander Stelmach

Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury

by Alexander Stelmach

238 pages
An inspiring, true story of surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury.

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Category: Body, Mind and Spirit
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About the Book
"Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury," is an intense, personal account of a small family banding together when one of their own falls 40 feet into darkness and is diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury. Included are pages and pages of practical advice and information regarding TBI and how to cope with it.

"Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury," takes the reader from Day One of a TBI and through the grueling months and years of recovery.

The book is written in an easy to read style and not filled with overly scientific jargon.



About the Author
After his son's tragic forty foot fall and subsequent Traumatic Brain Injury, Alex Stelmach vowed that a struggle for life would not go in vain. And thus, a practical guide informing TBI victims and their loved ones of how to cope with and conquer the effects of TBI was written.



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