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The Medici Legacy by Greg Ahlgren

The Medici Legacy

by Greg Ahlgren

288 pages
A Tuscan kidnap gang targets descendants of Giovanni de Medici.

Paperback $17.95   + $9.37 shipping & handling (USA)
(add $2.40 S&H per additional copy)
Category: Fiction:Mystery
(requires Adobe Reader)
About the Book
When thirty-something Deputy Inspector Antonio Ferrara of the Italian Polizia di Stato discovers that the seemingly random victims of a Tuscan serial killer may all actually be descendants of one Giovanni di Cosimo de Medici, a 15th century Florentine banker, his superior scoffs at his theory, the Italian military police caution him to leave this closed case alone on the basis that it involves a matter of "national security," and even his father uses the occasion to hector him to leave police work and return to the family art business. Undeterred, Antonio enlists the aid of Rachel Fuller, an American Fulbright scholar working on her Medici dissertation in Florence, and together they strive to unlock a secret that spans three comtinents.


Related Title
  • Prologue by Greg Ahlgren
    A time-travel novel centered around the John F. Kennedy assassination.


About the Author
Greg Ahlgren is a criminal defense lawyer in Manchester, NH. A former criminal justice professor and political activist, his prior books include the true crime book, "Crime Of The Century: The Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax," and the alternative history/time-travel novel Prologue.



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